Empower 2 Families


Collaborated with a leading non-profit organization specializing in aiding families with children with disabilities to develop the "Empower2Families" app. This mobile application serves as a powerful tool, empowering parents within the organization's community to build and strengthen their support networks. The app includes features such as secure communication for network members, goal-setting functionalities, achievement tracking, stressor identification, and a curated resource hub.


Sole Developer and Designer



The app is currently in the final stages of development, with successful testing conducted through focus groups. Anticipated to be published on the App Store and Google Play in the near future, the app is poised to become a transformative tool within the non-profit organization's community. Initial feedback from focus groups has been positive, highlighting the potential of the app to positively impact the lives of families with children with disabilities. The collaboration with the non-profit organization has played a crucial role in shaping the app to align with the community's unique needs and mission.

Technologies Used

React Native, NoSQL Database (Firebase)